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Claudia Edwards7 Jul - 12:20
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THC AGM Minutes – Meeting held Friday 28th June 2024

THC AGM Minutes – Meeting held Friday 28th June 2024
Meeting called to order 18:00
Apologies for Absence
Simon Cobby (Centerparks), Thomas Grainger, Michel Sweirs.
The Chairman, Ian Grainger thanks all present for attending.
Minutes of the last meeting
Proposed:Greg Edwards Seconded: Gilbert Grace
Financial situation
Treasurer’s report - Draft accounts
The chairman explains that due to circumstances beyond our control we are dipping into our reserve. We have lost the ladies' team and the associated income and the numbers of youngsters coming to Sunday training has dramatically reduced to the point of not being enough to cover the expenditure. Consequently, the chairman announces that we have decided to begin reducing the loan from the cricket club by withholding rent payments.
He continues explaining that we have not done much fundraising so we could still focus on this if we wanted to and a few ideas are in the pipeline for the future. This year we have preferred to concentrate on the wellbeing of the teams, but he explains that this remains an option if we choose to pursue it. The chairman adds that this year, we are going to receive a discount on the cost of the pitch due to its poor condition.
With regards to the accounts he mentions that these are only draft accounts and that therefore he is not in a position to ask the members for approval, but can he still asks for a proposer and a seconder for the draft.
Proposed: Paul Porter Seconded: Ian Swift
Captain’s reports and discussion on the future of the club in line with the news that the pitch will become unavailable after the end of next season.
Chairman’s statement

Chairman’s report on the future of Tring Spors Centre astro pitch:
The school has communicated their decision to us, and although it will be challenging for us, we understand their reasoning. The school prioritises football and rugby as their main sports, and they require a suitable pitch for these activities.
We hope the upcoming summer Olympics will boost interest and participation in various sports, including ours. However, we ultimately had to agree to allow the school to secure funding from the Hertfordshire FA to install a 4G pitch, ensuring they can continue to support their primary sports programs.
While this decision impacts us, we recognize the school's need to provide the best facilities for their students.
I understand that the condition of the Halton pitch has improved, so I am considering using it. I hope we can afford to play there, but we need to check the costs first. Next season, we could schedule a few matches to test the playability of the pitch.
I can't make this decision alone and need input from everyone. Does this approach make sense given our situation? I am open to acting on whatever the majority thinks. Should we merge with another club, explore partnerships, or continue at a different venue? This is especially relevant for those who plan to continue playing longer than I will.
Paul Porter has agreed to trial Halton, especially since they mentioned they have cleaned the pitch. Personally, he thinks we should also start discussions with other clubs about a potential merger or using their pitches. This conversation should begin sooner rather than later.
The chairman suggested that we reconvene to discuss this matter again after everyone has had time to think it over. He is aware that we don't have many young players involved today, and would like to include them and their parents in the conversation. We are lacking the next generation of players; while we have a few new members, we don't have the steady influx we had a few years ago. Our Sunday sessions have declined, largely due to competition from football and netball. It's a vibrant time for sports, but with so many options, we're all fighting for attention.
Ralph Dervil has some contacts at Halton and will inquire about the costs for hiring the pitch and also the possibility to invite some of their players interested to join us.
Finally, the chairman asks the audience if they agree to explore the possibility of using Halton and suggests meeting again in September to discuss further. Gilbert Grace concurs that this is a good idea to maintain our independence.
Proposed: Gilbert Grace Seconded: Paul Porter
The chairman proposes the election of Paul Porter as “curry secretary”.
Proposed: Claudia Edwards Seconded: Ian Grainger
Paul Porter is inquiring about sponsorship opportunities. Ian Grainger explains that we couldn't approach Tring Brewery for sponsorship while we were playing at the school because we couldn't advertise there. However, if we play at Halton, we can pursue this opportunity. Additionally, we haven't fully explored the possibility of securing other sponsorships from England Hockey.

Meeting concludes at 19:00.

Further reading